Leonard N. Burton

About the Artist

Len Burton showed an early artistic affinity.  His style developed into a striking boldness of color and realism using great detail.  Originally he painted with oils but recently changed to acrylics.

He began painting at an early age when his parents gave him some paints, brushes and canvas ... but no lessons.  He dabbled in the arts during school years and decided he didn't want to take lessons because he wanted to paint "his own way."  Later he realized that learning from someone else is the key to new techniques and greater skill levels.

Since moving to Surprise, Arizona, he has enjoyed painting the cactus, areas of Sedona and old trucks from Jerome. While living on the Oregon Coast he painted 22 west-coast lighthouses and many coastal scenes.

In addition to lighthouses, his repertoire includes flowers, forest, animals, trucks, coastal scenes, and bridges.  He is also a skilled woodworker.

He does accept commissions.  He is a member of Ground Floor Artists and can be reached at 541-254-0213 for a visit to his home gallery in Surprise.