Linda Frazee

About the Artist

I have been fascinated by creativity as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl my mother and I would pick out shapes of animals in the clouds as we traveled down the road in our car. I have a newfound respect for those that have earned the title of “artist.” Up to this point I have only dabbled at painting. Producing seems a whole new ball game, but it is a game I am passionate about and I want to play. The “creative arena” is a large playing field. Being involved with creativity is therapeutic. It opens my mind and warms my heart.

Whether it be watercolor painting, oil painting, acrylic painting, drawing, stain glass, jewelry making, fabric construction, colleague, photography, writing, teaching, decorating, or just noticing and appreciating the creative works of others in this inspiring, creative world in which we live, I am ready to immerse myself!

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