Sarah Bichachi

About the Artist

Originally a performing vocal artist born and raised in the Philippines, visual arts came as an epiphany for me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year after I migrated to Connecticut, USA in 2014. Chemotherapy opened a new door to my artistry as my voice and strength slowly faded with regular infusions of Taxotere and Herceptin. Too weak to do almost anything, painting with my iPad and iPencil miraculously aided in my survival against the toxicity and existential threat invading my body as my excitement grew in creating the images I envisioned within.  Since then, my love for Mobile Art flourished… and so did my skills. I am now an internationally acclaimed mobile artist… one of the winners of Mira Mobile Prize in Portugal ( 2022 and 2023), MAG Mobile Art Group in Italy, and MDAC (Mobile Digital Art Creativity Online) where one my works was exhibited at the Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, California in 2021.